Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Let's get ready to Rummmmmble!!

 In this corner we have 4 hungry kids and 1 hungry husband.

In this corner we have 1 frazzled Mom who doesn't know what to make for dinner again!

Welcome to the Ultimate Dinner Dilemma!!

Tagging in for Mom is Ultimate Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff- a heavy weight with sour cream!

No seriously, this summer has been a fight of major proportions when it comes to what to make for dinner. I know I'm not the only one right??  I've talked about this recipe before here. It's super easy and economical. I posted a link over in the Recipe Love section to the right. (Let me know if the link isn't working-sometimes bloggers change where they keep their posts and so that means I need to update too!)

I spent $8.99 on 2.51 lbs of beef stew meat. This kind that's already cut up. I could probably save more by buying it in bulk and cutting it up myself, but let's face it. I won't do that. The recipe is so simple, I didn't even have to buy anything else for it but the meat.


2-3 lbs. beef stew meat, cut in bite size pieces
Salt and Pepper the meat
1 onion finely minced, or sliced (your preference- I finally added onion finely minced and I hope it disappears so my kids won't notice!)
Sliced fresh mushrooms, optional
Sour Cream, optional but recommended

In a 2 cup glass measuring cup mix the following:
1 1/2 TBS of Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1 1/2 TBS ketchup
1 1/2 -2 cups beef broth - either made by beef granules or canned (depending on how much sauce you want and if you want to thicken it with whatever you have in your pantry *see added notes below*)

1. Salt and Pepper meat, throw in bottom of crock pot. Mix in onions. Add mushrooms if using.

2. Pour beef broth mixture over meat and wait for it....COVER. Turn on High and WALK AWAY for 7-8 hours!! 

That's it! Told you it was easy.

I plan on serving it with spaghetti noodles and a small salad. Like I said before, the cost of the meat was $9.00 and I had everything else on hand in my pantry. So my family of six can eat this meal at a cost of $1.50 per person! You can't eat anywhere for that! And honestly it tastes so good, you don't even mind eating it when it's 104 degrees outside because you made it in the crock pot and the house stayed cool from not using the oven! 

Here is a picture from the blog I originally got the recipe from-

Via My Kitchen Cafe
all rights reserved

I can't take any pictures of it, because it's all gone!! But it looked a lot like this, but more shredded and we put parmesan cheese on top!

**Added after the fact**
Ok, so I think I may have told you to put too much liquid in this recipe. See, I forget that liquid doesn't evaporate from the crock pot, it only multiplies; like gremlins. So, after it cooked for 5 hours on low, I cranked it up to high and cooked it another 4 hours. It was very tender and shredded as I stirred it, but I like it that way. I added two big dollops of sour cream and some corn starch and water to thicken it. When THAT didn't thicken it enough, I added a package of Garlic Alfredo Sauce and microwaved it for 5 minutes or so. I totally flew by the seat of my pants. It gave it an awesome flavor, so I knew I was pretty much using it as a thickening agent. Then I topped the spaghetti with it and added some parm cheese. Not really the typical recipe for Beef Stroganoff, but it was sure good! And, since I sunburned the heck out of my legs today, I didn't have to spend an hour cooking in the kitchen. I liked that. Liked it enough to take my youngest boy out on a date.
How ever you choose to thicken it, you really can't mess this dish up. I hope you're not scared to cook it! Go experiment, I won't tell!


Peace, Love, and Tender Beef,

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