Sunday, January 17, 2010


 **How my kitchen looks on any given day.
If yours doesn't, then I suspect you are in fact a

So, yesterday I said it was a Pop Tart kind of day...a homemade pop tart. I got a lot of flack for NOT making those pop tarts yesterday. I didn't say I would actually MAKE them, I just said it felt like a Pop Tarty kind of day.

Fast forward to this evening. The kids asked what was for dinner....

I'm not the most organized person on the planet. I try, Lord knows I try!! I make a plan and have it on hand. That plan may or may not actually come to fruition. I'm comfortable with the fact that I can at any given moment be flexible lazy enough to decide to make pop tarts and sandwiches for dinner. Just thought you should know so you didn't get your hopes up that I'll be a perfect blogger/Mom/Human!
**END DISCLAIMER** I was saying, the kids asked what was for dinner, and as I planned, Mandarin Orange Chicken was on the menu. That pesky nap got in the way of thawing the chicken, and hubby had a meeting, so I got a wild hair and made some pop tarts. For kidding.

Sort of.

Here is what I learned about this incredibly easy recipe.

Go easy on the jelly. If you put too much in the middle it will ooze out all over the pan and infect the other pop tarts and they will bathe.  Not the best option if you want the bottom to be crispy. 

        Don't use parchment paper to line your baking sheet. Seriously. Parchment paper has its place, but this application isn't one of them. The second batch got a dose of Reynolds Non-Stick Foil and they browned up perfectly in about 15-18 min. depending on the size of the tart. They take WAY longer to bake that 10-12 minutes unless UNLESS you roll out the pie crusts a little thinner and use less filling. They taste wonderful, but take a lot longer to brown up. 

        ** Edited to add**
        One reason it took longer for mine to cook was that I didn't read the recipe before starting the recipe. VERY IMPORTANT- read the recipe once thru again right before you start...I baked mine at 350* and the recipe calls for baking it at 450*. Duh. That would be why it took so long. Just keepin' it real people!! LOL!

          The Verdict- ***** 4 out of 5 stars
          (unscientific voting here, just one kid was asked)

          The kids thought it was the BOMB! I thought it was sweet and gooey and delish. I wouldn't exactly put this in
          the breakfast category though. It's more dessert-y.
          It wasn't hard to make, just messy. Would I make them again? Oh yeah. I didn't say they didn't taste good. Almost too good. The kids wanted to eat them all!

          So go on...tease your family like I did and tell 'em you'll make them some homemade pop tarts and then don't! Won't that be fun?? You know you wanna....

          Here's the recipe again:

          Author/Source:Tricia @
          Homemade Pop Tarts




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